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Honest to a Fault

When high school drop-out  James  Palmer was stopped by police for behaving suspiciously in front of a local high school Palmer tried talking his way out of trouble.  This became increasingly difficult when police found an ounce of marijuana divided…

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Felony Laziness

Most burglars would agree that if you are going to break into someone's home one of the most important concepts to follow is the idea of getting in and out of the home as quickly as possible.   Michael Bolton, not…

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Bite-mark Evidence

When a bite-mark is left behind during the commission of a crime it is called bite-mark evidence.  The bite-mark may be left in food, an inanimate object, or on a human being.   Bite-mark evidence has been used many times in…

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Super Glue Identification Method

Believe it or not, super glue is taking over latent fingerprint development, leaving fingerprint powders in the dust. The super glue identification method is becoming the next big thing. The cyanoacrylate fuming method, also referred to as the super glue…

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